It takes Three

It takes Three

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Beginning Net Worth Statement

As I mentioned yesterday, one of my financial goals is to have a positive Net Worth by the end of the year. To calculate your net worth, you add up all of your assets everything you own (cash value) and then subtract your liabilities (any debts you have).

How are we going to raise our net worth?
We will continue paying off debt  (approximately $1,000 per month), continue contributing to savings (about $200 per month), and continue contributing to retirement account (only about $45 per month until our debt is gone). With all of these transactions, we should have a positive net worth by the end of the year.

To start off the year, we have a net worth of -$12,037.02. We have $33,476.04 in assets and $45,513.06 in liabilities. A majority of our assets are not liquid, meaning the cash is tied up in items and not cash. A majority of our debt is school loans, and our next largest loan is a car loan. We don't carry a balance on our credit card. (We pay our credit card off every month, but the payment just hasn't posted for this month yet.) 

If you have any comments or questions, feel free to leave a comment.

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