Sometimes your paychecks just are not getting you far enough. You are living paycheck-to-paycheck and you are stuck at home all of the time. It might sound different, stupid, or useless, but there is one way to easily cut down on grocery costs. Couponing.
You don't have to be an "Extreme Coupon" to save money while shopping. Most coupons will get you anywhere between 25 cents and 1 dollar off of a purchase. These little sheets of paper with barcodes on them are as good as cas at grocery stores. Most people don't use coupons because they feel like it's a waste of time. I'm going to tell you why it's not.
1. Each coupon is like a down payment towards an item. Let's say you receive a "Redplum" in the mail with fifty coupons. There are three coupons that have items that you will purchase on a normal grocery store trip. Why not take the minute and a half to cut out those 3 coupons, each worth $1. You just saved yourself $3 off of your $100 grocery bill. Savings of 3%. That's still more than what you normally would have saved.
2. Some grocery stores double your coupons. If you do a quick google search to find out which stores double coupons. Some do it only on specific days, so you have to pay attention. In the same situation as above, you go to a grocery store that doubles, you save $6. A 6% savings.
3. On average it takes about 20 seconds to cut out one coupon. Let's say you clip only .25 cent coupons. You cut out 3 coupons per minute for a total of .75 cents. If you did this for an hour, you would cut out $45 worth of coupons. Granted, you probably won't do it for an hour, but hey, a penny saved is a penny made.
4. Don't clip coupons you won't use or coupons of items you don't normally eat. Don't eat Yakisobi? Don't clip the coupon. It's that simple. Don't waste your time and energy.
As you can see, coupoing doesn't have to be extreme. You don't have to spend hours doing it and you can still benefit from them. In the world today, every penny you save will be worth it.
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